Some Python List Methods

Some Python List Methods


5 min read

In my journey for learning Python (with NLP in mind) I have come across some basic 'list' methods, or what are known as 'array' methods in other languages (Javascript, PHP,...). I am writing them down here with examples so that I (and maybe you) can learn them much better. These are the method I am trying to give examples of:

  • .append()
  • .count()
  • .choice()
  • .sort()


According to W3schools, Lists are used to store multiple items in a single variable.

Lists are one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are Tuple, Set, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage.

Lists are created using square brackets:

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' ]

#Lists can contain different data types

Address = [ 'Amsterdam' , 13 , True ]

To access the items in a list, we start from 0, so:

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' ]
#           |          |        |
#names=[    0     ,    1    ,   2   ]

#names[0] -> John
#names[1] -> Jack
#names[2] -> Ava

#Let's print the second name

#This will print out John

To access the items of the list from the end we can use negative indexing. The last item has the index of -1:

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' ]
last_name = names[-1]

# Will print out Ava

If you want to replace a list item (for example the second name) with another one i.e., update the names list:

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' ]
#changing Jack which has an index 1 with Sarah

names[1] = 'Sarah'

# will print out ['John', 'Sarah', 'Ava']

To add a name to the end of our list we can use 'append()' method :

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' ]
#adding Ryan


#will print out ['John' , 'Sarah' , 'Ava' , 'Ryan' ]

If you would like to know how many of an instance there are in the list:

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' , 'John' ]
#How many Johns are there?

x = names.count('John')

#will print out 2 since there are two 'John' in the list

If you want to choose a random item from a list you can use random.choice() method. Note that you need to import Random module since you are using it:

import random
names= ["John", "Jack", "Ava"]

random_name = random.choice(names)

#will print out one random item from the list

If you want to sort a list alphabetically or numerically (ascending or descending order):

names = [ 'John' ,  'Jack' , 'Ava' , 'John' ]

#The list is now sorted alphabetically, the above method sorts the list

#prints out ['Ava' ,  'Jack' ,  'John' , 'John' ]

#to reverse the order: 


#prints out [ 'John' , 'John' , 'Jack' , 'Ava' ]

You can use the same method for numbers

All right! these were the methods that I just learnt to work with! It is for beginners (like me) and I hope you have learnt something as well.